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Unveiling What She Found: A Celebration of stories, inclusion,

and transformation through Women in Need Society (WINS)

Join us for SHE FOUND, our 2024 campaign celebrating powerful stories of resilience and empowerment through Women in Need Society (WINS) of Calgary. This initiative honors the incredible journeys of those who have walked through our doors to ask for help, to donate, to volunteer, to shop, or to support our cause. Whether it's finding new hope, building community connections, or discovering new passions, each story highlights our impact in Calgary.


The FOUND campaign embraces the spirit and strength of women, men, and gender-diverse individuals in our community, celebrating their moments of transformation and paving the way to thrive here in Calgary.

Unveiling what


Click on the photos to read their stories.

Women in Need Society (WINS)

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SHE FOUND goes beyond just highlighting the stories of those who we've helped; it also shines a light on the incredible journeys of our volunteers, donors, shoppers, and employees. Through their experiences, we see the full circle of giving, receiving, and growing together as a community.

Discover what our volunteers have found in giving their time and energy, what our donors have found in their generosity, what our shoppers have found in their purchases, what our employees have found in their career journey, and what our program participants have found in their personal growth. We invite you to read their stories and be inspired by the strength and compassion that makes our community thrive.

International Women's Day

This International Women's Day, join us in honoring the diversity and strength of women and those who identify as women in Calgary.

National Volunteer Week

Every moment matters. Your dedication matters. Let's celebrate your impact as a volunteer!

Mother's Day Celebration

Join us in celebrating the incredible moms in our lives while uplifting moms in need.


Chantel, House to Home Participant

 The House to Home Program made living in a different city more comfortable. They provided me with the basic furniture I needed and equip myself with the necessary skills to start a new life.

together, everyone


1005 - 11 Ave SW
Calgary AB  T2R 0G1

Alberta, Canada
(403) 255 - 5102


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In the spirit of reconciliation, WINS acknowledges that the city of Calgary is comprised of Treaty 7 territory, the traditional lands of First Nations and Métis peoples.

Charitable Registration No. 135 185 411 RR0001 

© 2023 by Women in Need Society of Calgary

© 2023 by Women in Need Society (WINS) of Calgary

Charitable Registration No. 135 185 411 RR0001

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