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Interested in our three-year strategic plan?

Our Impact

With your support, we are able to help thousands of people in Calgary to achieve a more resilient and self-sufficient life, while maintaining efforts to protect our environment.

2023 Impact Report Cover.png

Together, everyone WINS!

When a call for help arises, WINS is there to respond to urgent and essential needs. Thanks to the agility afforded by the funds generated through our social enterprise and the invaluable support of our partners.

Past Impact Reports


For three decades, Women in Need Society (WINS) has been committed to helping people in need while supporting efforts to protect our environment.


As we reflect back on the past year, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our team who work tirelessly on the front lines, and to our donors for supporting our programs and essential services.


As the needs of Calgarians have changed due to COVID-19, we have pivoted and adapted our programming and services to match. We opened our sixth thrift store in Beltline, our new Head Office and Programs Centre.

Audited Financial Statements

Every year, WINS invests revenues earned from our social enterprises and fundraising initiatives back to our community programs that help women and their families thrive.

Current and past audited financial statements are available upon request. Contact us today.


1005 - 11 Ave SW
Calgary AB  T2R 0G1

Alberta, Canada
(403) 255 - 5102


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In the spirit of reconciliation, WINS acknowledges that the city of Calgary is comprised of Treaty 7 territory, the traditional lands of First Nations and Métis peoples.

Charitable Registration No. 135 185 411 RR0001 

© 2023 by Women in Need Society of Calgary

© 2023 by Women in Need Society (WINS) of Calgary

Charitable Registration No. 135 185 411 RR0001

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