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a journey to


How Women in Need Society (WINS) can support you

Green butterfly icon

Our Community Support is here to connect you with resources to thrive, offer skill-enhancing programs, and guide you in your career journey. Our dedicated team, including Community and Employment Support Workers and Program Facilitators, is here to assist you every step of the way. We believe in your abilities and are ready to help with basic needs and services to enhance your existing skills, empowering you to become more self-sufficient.

Our Pillars of Support

WINS Employee holding a picture

Make Connections

Building healthy relationships through supportive environments where people can connect and thrive.

WINS Employee listening

Access Programs

Creating nurturing environments for people to connect, learn, and build their skills, while fostering a sense of belonging.

Client smiling

Pursue Careers

Transforming your career journey by improving existing skills and cultivating new ones through our employment services.

How we help

WINS provides compassionate listening and guidance, access to support, and referrals to women, men, gender-diverse individuals, and their families who may be facing barriers. Our Community Support is here to help those who may need:

  • Basic needs support

  • Goal management

  • Compassionate listening

  • Parent support

  • Employment guidance

  • Community resources access

  • Community referrals

  • Advocacy support

  • Emotional support

  • Skill building support

WINS Connections

WINS employee holding a brochure

Sometimes, life can get too much and you just need help managing your time and emotions. Our services are designed to help you make the best decisions for you and your family. Our Support Workers are capable of helping you feel more confident to achieve your goals for yourself and your family. We provide 1:1 connections that include:

  • Basic needs support

  • Client goal management

  • House to Home referrals support

  • Forms support

WINS Programming

Two people reading a brochure

Through our community programming, we enable individuals with essential social support and skill-building tools, fostering an environment where you can thrive. Our tailored approach focuses on enhancing interpersonal connections and honing valuable skills, ensuring you are equipped to navigate challenges and pursue your goals with confidence. Our programming includes:

  • Social Support

  • Skill Building

  • Child and Youth Support

WINS Employment Services

WINS employee holding clothing item

You feel like you are ready to explore career opportunities in retail or warehouse industries but you are quite unsure where to start. Our employment services are designed to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to start your journey. We do this through classroom training and on-the-job experience, along with resume writing and practice interviews.

  • Retail Ready

  • Warehouse Ready

  • Employment Workshops

Homework Help

It's outside our work hours but you need immediate help?
Click the button below to connect with Alberta Help (211).

Did you know our Donation Centre are staffed by volunteers and students from our Employment Services?

together, everyone

WINS logo

Looking to create your own impact? Visit our Donate Funds page.

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